Controversies surrounding European Solidarity mechanisms

Data e ora
21 Ottobre 2019
ore: 9:00 - 19:30
Institut d’études européennes de l’ULB
39 avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1050, Brussels
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Controversies surrounding European Solidarity mechanisms

Controversies surrounding European Solidarity mechanisms is the day-long closing event of the IEE-ULB’s Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence project.

Controversies surrounding European Solidarity mechanisms

The Jean Monnet Final Agora Forum

This one-day forum scheduled for the 21st of October 2019 at the IEE-ULB, is the final event of the IEE-ULB’s Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence project on “Controversial forms of European Solidarity”. Its’ main focus is to bridge the distance between research and practices surrounding European policy-making in a wide range of fields.

Set-up to facilitated inter-sectoral dialogue between practitioners and researchers, a series of four topical roundtables with gather a limited number of researchers, officials and civil society figures. Over the course of a two-hour long open debate under the Chatham house rule, they are to discuss the outcomes of the project on a number of topics that were part of the project’s three year-long research and teaching schedule including: (1) inter-regional forms of solidarity, (2) immigration and solidarity, (3) security and solidarity, the case of cybersecurity, and (4) fundamental rights protection and solidarity. Each roundtable will discuss a paper informed by the work done over the past years with an eye on discussing future implications both for research and policy-making in the various policy fields covered.

Practical Information

When: October 21, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Where: Institut d’études européennes de l’ULB

39 avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1050. Brussels

Room Kant

By invitation only


More info